In 2023, the City of Attleboro hired Barrett Planning Group to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment. The
study was a directive of newly elected Mayor Catherine DeSimone in order to better understand and
advance the City’s housing gaps and strategies. In support of the project, Mayor DeSimone appointed a
seven-member Housing Needs Assessment Steering Committee to guide the process.
Working with the steering committee and the Attleboro Department of Planning and Development, the
Barrett team has developed a draft comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment comprised of two
essential components:
- Phase one includes a data-driven needs analysis focused on three areas: an inventory of existing conditions, gaps between housing stock and needs, and barriers to housing.
- Phase two expands upon this research by outlining housing goals and strategies to address the housing needs determined from phase one, as well as input from the community. These recommendations include strategies for zoning, planning, housing advocacy, and increased capacity for addressing housing needs.
One of the most significant recommendations is a proposal to establish an Affordable Housing Trust, a key municipal tool for creating and preserving housing for low- and moderate-income households. The City is moving forward with this recommendation and has begun exploring the process of establishing a trust with our assistance.
As is the hallmark of many of our projects, we employed a strong community engagement process to complement and inform our research and recommendations. This process included an initial online community survey and two in-person community meetings. Using open discussion and interactive stations during each meeting, we solicited feedback on a number of topics including housing types, housing needs and potential strategies.
At their September meeting, the Housing Needs Assessment Steering Committee approved the draft plan, which Barrett will then present to the Municipal Council later this fall. In the meantime, our team continues to assist the City with other projects, including an update to the City’s 2012 Comprehensive Plan and a newly-launched Route 1/1A Corridor Study.