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CLIENT: Town of Milton

TEAM: Barrett Planning Group LLC (lead): Judi Barrett, Principal; Alexis Lanzillotta, Project Analyst; and Dodson & Flinker

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The Milton Planning Board asked Barrett Planning Group LLC and Dodson & Flinker to assist with developing a vision plan for East Milton in the Fall of 2019. This engagement came at the heels of a May 2019 report from the Urban Land Institute (ULI), who had assembled a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) at the Town’s request.

The Planning Department asked ULI to advise the Town about “best practices” in district planning and community engagement, evaluating district boundaries, and sorting out “next steps” for moving forward with some type of mixed-use plan for East Milton Square- Milton’s largest commercial zoning district intermixed with a single-family residential zone. Not surprisingly, ULI’s first recommendation was to work on building community consensus.

Although our original scope consisted of collaborating with a small working group, and hosting three major community engagement sessions, it became clear that large public meetings were not the best option for developing a vision for the neighborhood. The working group was opened to a larger steering committee - mainly neighborhood residents who expressed interest and wanted to help. That decision proved invaluable for the entire planning process, as it introduced new ideas and a fresh perspective into the conversations about East Milton Square.

The consultant team and steering committee developed a vision statement for the neighborhood based on takeaways from the projects initial community engagement and evaluated concept plans and potential recommendations for the presentation to the public.

The take-home message from this 15-month planning process is the Town needs to liberate East Milton from the land use policy constraints that limit this area’s capacity to evolve and respond to market opportunities.

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Barrett Planning Group LLC provides high-quality, customized planning and community development services for cities and towns and non-profit organizations. Founded by Judi Barrett, a veteran planner with over 32 years of experience in the field, we are known for our creative approach to planning and problem-solving, our expertise as trainers and technical assistance providers, our attentiveness to clients, and our expertise in capacity building.

Barrett Planning Group LLC is based in Hingham, MA and serves towns and communities throughout New England. Contact us today to work together.


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